
Though I always check out the reader comments on this blog, I often don’t agree with them. But John Sullivan—big ups to you.

Beneath my Shania post, John wrote about “the worst song ever”—with a music video to match. So I clicked on the link, and was transported through hell’s tiniest anus hole, to the above video. Oh. My God.

Where to begin? Kid sucks at singing. Kid looks like a tool. The appearance of the king of lame—Usher. Text messaging as a status bootie call. The various let’s-take-this-geeky-white-kid-and-make-him-look-street elements (the hoodie, hand signals, etc). Ugh—when uptight Republicans point to cultural rot, let them see this. Case made.


PS: John was right—I couldn’t watch it all. Can you?

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