
There is goodness in the world. Sometimes you have to look hard. But it really is there.

Earlier today I posted this video, which—if you haven’t watched it—is just staggering …

Toward the end, when he talks so honestly about drugs and alcohol and getting clean, well, it’s just heartbreaking. All I wanted was for someone to give him a chance. Any kind of chance.

Well, check this out: According to an MSNBC report, a morning show in Columbus, Ohio plans on giving Ted Williams a genuine job interview next week. Man, do I hope it works out. Stories like this one just do something to a person. They just do.

Along the upbeat lines, today I was at the gym when this commercial came on …

Corny? Yes. Goofy? A little. But also heartwarming and, in an odd way, valuable.

That said, I’m a cynic. And when I saw the spot was sponsored by Foundation for a Better Life, I assumed the group was some right-wing front raising money for conservative candidates. Indeed, the organization was founded by a conservative Evangelical Christian named Phillip Anschutz. And yes, the guy is a special kind of anus—has fought hard against gay rights and denied evolution. But, the Foundation for a Better Life (in and of itself) seems OK. Maybe I’m being fooled, but their commercials aren’t political, and they’ve starred people of both political sides.

Anyhow, happy happy, joy joy …

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