The book jacket photo

My sister in law is named Leah Guggenheimer. We’re very tight; have been from the time I started dating my wife.

Leah owns an excellent camera, and takes sharp photos. She also has a lot of pride, and wants them to be good. Of my first five books, Leah is responsible for the book jacket author photos on two of them. Two days ago, on Mother’s Day, she came over to take the third.

We spent about, oh, 40 minutes, walking around the house, trying a few different locations. I wore a beige suit for several shots, but I’m just not a suit kind of guy. I’m the writer who smells a shirt lying on the bedroom floor, just to figure out if it’s wearable. Wrinkles? Meh. Stain? Meh.

Hence, the above photo. I’m wearing an inside-out Spider-Man T-shirt that was purchased from Target for $10. It’s tattered and faded, and 100-percent me. I actually shaved that morning, so you can see some cut/blood marks on my neck (I shave like I dance). I think there’s a tiny hair dangling from my right ear. My hairline is clearly fading away.

It’s me.

But is it OK for a book?


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