The physicality of Michael Bennett

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Following the Seattle loss in tonight’s Super Bowl, the media surrounded Michael Bennett, the team’s standout defensive end. He was asked about the brawl with the Patriots toward during the final seconds, and responded by saying: “It’s down to the final play. People were jumping, pulling. That’s what it is. I know you probably have never played football. You’ve probably never done anything physical in your life besides pick up a microphone, but when you’re out there it’s a battle.”

I love when athletes assume writers lack the ability to grasp the goings-on of sport because, come day’s end, we’re watching, not playing.

And maybe, just maybe, Michael Bennett is right. Maybe, because I’m a writer, I’ve never done anything physical. But maybe, just maybe, Michael Bennett has never done anything requiring brain function. He’s a guy who attended Texas A&M on a full athletic scholarship, and likely had the assistance of tutors, guides and an admissions professional who picked out the easiest possible classes. Upon reaching the NFL, Bennett—like all athletes—has had his needs completely met. Where to live. What to drive. How to leave tickets to a game. Reservations needed to be made. Bills to be paid. Checks to be deposited. On and on and on—whatever Michael Bennett wants, Michael Bennett surely gets.

So, yeah, I can’t rush an NFL quarterback with much success.

But I can write a lede. And I’m smart enough not to get a friggin’ neck tattoo.


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