Explaing it all …

Screen Shot 2015-06-24 at 11.43.40 AM
Norma, second from right, back in the day.

Received a phone call two nights ago from Norma Shapiro, my wife’s 95-year-old grandmother and this week’s magical 212th Quaz Q&A

Norma: “Jeff?”

Jeff: “Hey, Norma!”

Norma: “So I read the interview. You used it all!”

Jeff: “Well, it was great.”

Norma: “But I’m missing pages 34 and 35.”

Jeff: “Um, what?”

Norma: “Laura [her daughter; my mother in law] faxed me the interview. But not pages 34 and 35.”

Jeff: “I’m not sure what to do about that.”

Norma: “So did a lot of people read the interview?”

Jeff: “Yeah, a lot.”

Norma: “Only family members?”

Jeff: “No, I put it out on Facebook, Twitter …”

Norma: “So are those family members?”

Jeff: “Not only.”

Norma: “Wow.”

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